Saturday, April 26, 2008

This came in my email today from AOP Daily Focus. I have waited for the perfect opportunity to use these photos and this just fell right into line with it. We took these at Easter at the local Feed Store and they were so adorable.

One of our homeschooling family's favorite spring-time activities was visiting the local feed and seed store to see the new baby chickens and ducks. Every year the store converted several small aluminum water tanks into warm, cozy homes for these little creatures. My children never tired of watching their antics and especially enjoyed their baby peeping noises. As my young daughter leaned over the tank to pet their soft downy feathers, she looked at me with questioning eyes and said, "Mom, can I have one?"

Normally, I would have said no, but this year I sensed the Lord leading in a different direction. Smiling, I said, "Yes, honey, you and your brother can pick one of the baby chicks to take home." My daughter's delight in my reply knew no bounds, and she and her brother set about choosing the perfect new little friend. Before we left the store that day, Hen and Peck were aptly named and adopted into our family.

New life is always a cause for rejoicing, especially when it's in the family of God. Whenever a person repents of their sin and receives new life in Christ, the Bible says the angels rejoice. Imagine, thousands of excited angels shouting and praising the Lord for the new life that has just been recorded in the Book of Life (Revelation 20:15). What a glorious time that must be!

As a Christian homeschooling parent, you have the wonderful privilege and responsibility to lead your baby "chicks" to the Lord. Every Bible lesson, Scripture verse, and godly character trait that you teach your child leads to the moment when they, too, are born again into God's family. When the Holy Spirit convicts and your child prays, "Lord, forgive me. I'm a sinner," a new life in Christ begins. However, one question remains-who will be rejoicing the most, you or the angels in heaven?

Father,Thank You for the awesome responsibility and joy of teaching my children about Your forgiving love. Please touch their hearts with the conviction of the Holy Spirit so they too will experience the joy of a new life in You. In the saving name of Jesus, Amen.
Source: AOP Daily Focus

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